11 Sep 2018

Wake Up early

早起看似是个小的习惯,对于懒惰的人来说是一种行为,但是却有非常巨大的,潜在的作用。 imaging you have 24 hours a day - (6-8) hours

sleep- (1-2) hours food - (1-2) hours food. The time has been left is about 12-14 hours. How many hours in these 14 hours

belong to yourself? You might have a job, you might be a student, you might bla bla bla. So the key thing is use time

wisely and efficient. The fact shows the most inefficient time is after 11 in the evening. Since people are easy to get

distracted. During this time, you friend might ask you go out for a beer. your gf might ask you to watch Netflix with her

etc etc. To use time wisely, we can move the time between 11-2 those useless hour to 6-9(when you usually wake up). To

do this you probably need a lot of hard work in the beginning. After around 1 month, you can enjoy the joyfulness that

being a early bird brings to you.

早起同时还可以,让自己的大脑保持绝对的清醒状态,干一些自己真正想干 并且真正热爱的事情。 人的一辈子是个马拉松,有些真理不会改变,一些好习惯

养成有处于很多事情的成功。 拥有越多的好习惯,干成事的可能性越大。最后 phrase ocko Willink 一本书名 “Discipline Equals Freedom”

小记 9.11 2018

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